Sunday, October 17, 2010

Being a territorial

According to a recent situation, I've experienced Cairo -residents' opinion about people who live in small towns. Without talking much; some of them -because i needn't generalize - still have the same opinion, or systemic view about territorials. Whenever they meet someone who is living outside Cairo, they immediately pickup there knowledge, or maybe silly memories about fool territorials and apply it to this new comer. Unfortunately, I hadn't my chance to meet the person who had this mindset, but i was affected directly by his mindset. But thanks to the whole situation, I got down to my laptop, tried to translate my feelings into reasonable thoughts which may guide some rationale people, before making decisions driven mainly by stereotyping and grouping. I think about sharing my opinion of being a territorial.

I think being territorials cannot be judged by where we live or by the amount of services we get in our cities and towns where we live. Yes, we are responsible for not striving to have our share of facilities. But to be territorial, you needn’t be in a small town. You may be a territorial in the capital. You can be a territorial only when you cannot find a way to make a difference in others’ lives. You can be a territorial when you choose not to find a way to enrich your soul and widen your mind. You can be a territorial when you act to circumstances created by others as givens. You can be territorial when you let your perceptions guided by affections and as s further step affecting your behavioral segment of your attitude. Acting alike can block creativity and lessens our learn curves through the way because stereotyping and judging by assumptions can be major two blocks of creative thinking. We should learn how to accept the others and not to have systemic mindsets. This is the definition of being territorial from my viewpoint.

Hint: always keep on searching for reasons and drivers for motivating yourself positively. Don't surrender for your bad feelings or for those who may unawarely break your dreams. Instead, search for a way to show that you are a good person with holy motives, but don't make your search mainly for a way to prove for them that you are a good person. Just do it, and they will be informed implicitly. If you chased proving to them only, you may lose track of your main mission or you may get your excuses to be Machiavellian.