How wonderful it is to transform the tribulations which obstruct our lives into grants and offers and to see only the full part of the glass not the empty one
Friday, December 10, 2010
The thrown away pot
Have you ever been watching from your window while you saw a pot thrown away from a window in the opposite building and got broken in the street?
Have you ever thrown a pot away from your window to have it broken in the street?
Well, in the three cases, the event, the action, the object, and the actor are all the same…what differs is the impression.
The one who is throwing a pot from his window is maybe angry, maybe bored, maybe mad, maybe trying to end up a situation and start over…in all cases s/he is not feeling well at the moment s/he is throwing this pot…
The one who was walking while the pot was thrown over his/her head or maybe in front of him to get broken on his way and obstacle him was walking in peace, maybe thinking ...maybe wandering…maybe angry...maybe happy ...but in all cases, this pot would at least grab him out of a silent moment to get him to change his way if not being angry as well.
The one who was watching over while s/he saw the pot being thrown was having a silent boring moment while s/he started on thinking about the causes of this pot to be thrown and whether it had hurt anyone or no… or s/he may watch carelessly and go back to his/her apartment without remembering what had happened.
The only one who would be part of this situation, while not being affected is the traffic… people who are driving their cars won’t be affected and won’t have an impression about it, they would be much more busy about traffic lights and whether they are allowed to pass now or they should wait till it turns into green. But would it make a difference whether the pot was broken over someone’s head or not? Would it make a difference whether the one who threw it was angry or just bored and decided on hurting someone? No of course… it would make no difference.
Why I’m telling all this?
I just need to highlight three points:
1- Different perspectives mean different impressions…different whole situations even they were all rooted back to the same situation. For example, everyone here had a different story and a different side despite having part in the same situation. Although they are rooted back to the same story, each one got a different story derived from it.
2- There is always a missing point in the story. No one can ever reach all the sides of a story, even if s/he was the main actor or the initiator of it. The one who has thrown the pot, for example, will never know who was watching and what was s/he thinking about while watching this pot.
3-Life will never stop even if you have decided to stop. Even if the pot was thrown over your head, you should decide to start over, you should decide to get it all aside and keep on going...because the traffic will never stop, even for a moment. Life forces us on keeping moving and even running, if we decided to resist, no one would wait for us.
At the beginning of this year, I’ve been thrown by many pots and got them all over my head… by the end of the first quarter of this year, I’ve decided on getting to my apartment in the opposite building to watch the thrown pots. By the end of the first half, I’ve decided on that I’ve never been a watcher and I’ve never liked this role, really I’ve never been just a watcher or a reactor. I’ve decided to move on and get back to become an effective part of the traffic, but this time, even if the pot is thrown over my head, I’ll never care. Just get it aside, and keep on moving.
And finally,كن كشجرة الصندل؛ تعطر الفأس الذى يقطعها
Sunday, December 5, 2010
هذه هى الحياة
قصيدة ألقاها محمد صبحى فى أحد اللقاءات:
إنطلق فى طريق الشوك... شامخ الرأس ... عالى الجبهة ... مضموم القبضة... ولا تتقهقر
إحترق أملا ورغبة وتعذّب...إحترق طموحا وكبرياءا وتغلّب... إحترق نضالا وكفاحا وعش
هذه هى الحياة
لن تُمتهن إلا إذا توسلت
ولن تُحتقر إلا إذا تلهفت
ولن تموت إلا إذا انبطحت على الأرض وزحفت
فكن جريئا ولكن لا تتهور
كن شجاعا ولكن لا تتجبر
كن صبورا ولكن لا تتململ
كن كل شئ... ولكن تذكر دائما انك إنسان
إحترق قوة وضعفا وتعذب
إحترق مرضا وصحة وتغلب
إحترق ألما ولذة
هذه هى الحياة
قد تجد الدودة فى كسرة الخبز فلا تحفل
وقد تجد السم فى شربة الماء فلا تغفل
وقد تجد الخائن فى صديق فلا تحزن
انبذ الخبز...وإسكب الماء...وألفظ الصديق