Saturday, July 5, 2008

The way between realism and mirage

A baby is born with his eyes closed, his legs tight to his stomach… once it begins to see, it begins to perceive the surrounding life, with all its bright and darker sides, with all its happiness and sorrows, with all its joy and grief…

Life doesn’t change its face, life doesn’t turn its back to us as we sometimes may declare to justify our sadness and our soul languish in sadness resistance… we are the ones whom change the views from which we interface with life….

A baby is born with a very pure heart; with no experiences, no opinions, and no inner hidden feelings towards anything… once this baby begins to have his own experiences, skills and feelings, he begins to seek a side of realism about life…

There are no extremes; this is one of the most important concepts about life… for example, there is no absolute happiness, instead, there are satisfaction and internal peace, which may lead is to a side of happiness but not the happiness itself… there is no black and no white, instead there is grey whose degree determines the closeness and the farness from the black and the white… babies can feel happiness, while adults feel satisfied, this to some extent may lead the dashing persons to live a faded life…

Let’s describe a model that may clarify the moral here:

Your birth determines your start, through the journey you pass by many milestones… till you reach your final destination… at your final destination, you have reached the last point or the extreme of a certain goal in your life, this extreme represents your extreme or the very far point that you can reach concerning a certain goal, this isn’t the extreme of the goal itself because everything in life is proportional, so there are no extremes…

More, the final destination here represents your death, after which you have nothing to do about your goals, thus your status at this point is your extreme…

The milestones here represent that checkpoints that you place after certain time intervals, and you pause your reactivity and proactivity to measure your performance regarding a certain topic… if you had already reached a level that you are satisfied of, then your performance in the next time interval would be increasing at a quiet confidence rate…

Each perception we perceive about the surrounding world, each situation we pass through- though it may be a repeated situation- is a life experience but we are the ones who decide when to begin counting… the ones whom are still with no adaptation or adjustment in their principles, beliefs, thoughts….. reacting to their life experiences and thinking that they are measuring on the scale of purity while they are actually measuring on the scale of idiocy rather than it is the scale of purity, because once the little baby had been scorch by the hot pot, it decides not to touch it again and may be it takes an aggressive action towards that pot.

Now, let’s expand the model a little:

Each baby is born with a basic set of needs which it is the responsibility of the adults to satisfy those needs. As the baby grows, his needs are increasing and he begins to take over the responsibility of fulfilling his needs.

To illustrate the model above, if a certain need has been split into three subneeds, then each need would have a satisfaction line over which many milestones are placed for evaluation… the summation of the performance achieved in all the subneeds’ satisfaction lines would form the actual rate of performance to satisfy the basic need…

If perfection is achieved in a subneed, this won’t necessary imply that the whole summations would be perfect, while if all the subneeds are satisfied and a level of perfection in achieved in a specific milestone, then the basic need is subsequently satisfied perfectly….

As long as you are seeking perfection you would not enjoy the desired internal peace even if you have at the moment all your needs satisfied perfectly except for only one…

The internal peace may result from two trends:

  • Having all the basic needs (including the subneeds) perfectly satisfied..
  • Having indifference trend concerning you life, you needs and your goals… this is of course an ill model of pretended internal peace.

To end this discussion I may justify the appearance of some persons enjoying everlasting internal peace can be explained as there are some persons whom seek perfection in a hurry and they are always seem to be anxious and worried, they may believe on failing once means endless era of failure where this mind isn’t true at all….
While there are some other people whom seek perfection but they have the wide mind to accept failures at any time of the journey believing that easy come easy go and confident that as long as they trust themselves to be capable of perfection, it will not leave their way…

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